よくあるご質問 Frequently Asked Questions

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よくあるご質問Frequently Asked Questions


Q. 商品を購入するのに、入会金・年会費はかかるのですか?
A. 会員登録をされましても、入会金・年会費は一切かかりませんのでお気軽にお申込み下さい。


Q. 代金の支払い方法や配送について教えて下さい。
A. お支払い方法・配送方法につきましては、お買い物ガイドのページをご覧下さい。
Q. コンビニ払いや銀行振込みはできないのですか?
A. 弊社オンラインショップでは、コンビニ決済、クレジット(オンライン決済)、もしくは代金引換がご利用いただけます。銀行お振込みはご利用いただけません。


Q. 会員登録すると、入会金・年会費はかかるのですか?
A. 会員登録をされましても、入会金・年会費は一切かかりませんのでお気軽にお申込み下さい。
Q. どんな特典があるのですか?
A. 次回以降のご注文がすばやくできるようになります。 また、ウェイインやマイタックルボックスなど、参加型のコンテンツや大会もご用意しており、ルアーをより楽しんでいただけます。


Q. メールマガジンを停止してほしいのですが。
A. マイページにて変更することができます。ログインしていただき、「メールマガジン購読」の項目にて「メールマガジンを購読する」のチェックボックスを外してください。配信が停止されます。
Q. ID・パスワードを忘れました。ログインできません。登録ができません。
A. 本サイトへご登録いただいたメールアドレスが、そのままIDとなります。また、パスワードを忘れた方は、こちらのページ(「パスワードをお忘れですか?」)をご利用ください。
メールアドレス入力欄がございますので、そちらに登録済みのメールアドレスをご入力いただきましたら、折り返しパスワードを記載したメールが届きます。 もし、メールが届かない場合は、ご登録いただけていない可能性がございますので、再度ご登録いただくか、メールアドレスが間違って登録されている場合がございます。
Q. 確認メールが届かないのですが。
A. ご登録の際、ご記入のメールアドレスに自動的にご注文内容確認メールが届きます。
「ドメイン指定受信機能」を利用されている方は、「american-bass-shop.com」ドメインを受信許可して下さい。受信許可されていない場合、AMERICAN BASS SHOPからのメールが届きません。
Q. メールアドレスや住所を変更したいのですが。
A. マイページにて変更することができます。ログインしていただいて、マイページから変更してください。


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I forgot my password. How can I find it?
A. If you already have an account with american-bass-shop.com and have forgotten your password, go to "Your Account" and then click on "Forgot Password." You will need to enter User ID (registerd e-mail adress) that you used when you created your account. An e-mail containing a new, reset password will then be sent to you. If you can not remember your User ID, the easiest way around this is to create a new account. Fill out the information under "User ID (registerd e-mail adress)". Write down your User ID, password and e-mail address for future reference.
Q. What 3 digits are you wanting off of my credit card? What is a CVV2 number?
A. Most credit cards have a 3-number security code at the end of the standard 16-digit account number. These are the last three digits that we are requesting for verification purposes. Click here for illustration. If you do not have a 3-digit security code or it can not be read, you may select "number not legible on card" or "number not present" in the pull down menu where Credit Card Information is requested.
Q. What will the shipping charges be?
A. Orders placed on-line through ABS, and shipped to a country outside Japan automatically calculate a shipping charge by ordered quantity of merchandeise.
Q. What type of payment methods are accepted?
A. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.,China UnionPay and PayPal.
Q. Can I order by mail with a check or money order?
A. No, we can not accept order by check an money order.
Q. Can I use my bank card like a credit card?
A. A debit card can be used as a credit card if the debit card displays a MasterCard or Visa symbol.
Q. Is your web site secure to order from?
A. Review our privacy and security policy.
Q. How can I tell if an item is out of stock?
A. The product offered online that is low in stock to the point it may generate a backorder will say "Temporarily Out of Stock" instead of "Add to Order". You will not be able to add any item showing this statement to your shopping cart. If we run out of an item before we are able to change the notification to "Temporarily Out of Stock", we are unable to ship the order until that product is in stock. We do not issue back orders. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Q. How can I check the status of my order?
A. If you'd like to check on your order, click on the "Your Account" link to sign into your account. You will be able to view your order history and see if your order has shipped. Of course, you can track the status of your order by the tarcking number which we notice you about the information of your order when we ship your order to you, If you have the question about the status of your order, you can ask via e-mail tou check on the status of your order.
Q. Can I change/add to my order after it has been submitted?
A. We want you to have your order just as soon as possible so we begin processing it almost immediately. Once your order has been submitted we are unable to make changes to the order. Please review your order very carefully prior to clicking on the final submit order button. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Q. When can I expect my order to be delivered?
A. Please allow 5 to 10 business days for delivery. Weekends and holidays may delay shipment. Some restrictions may apply.you can tarck the status of your order and get some information regarding delivery date by the tracking number whitch we will let you know. please check.
Q. How was my order shipped? Can I get a tracking number?
A. All orders that include a valid e-mail address will be sent an order acknowledgement. When the order is shipped from our distribution center you will receive a shipping confirmation via email to inform you of your order status. Note: we are sorry that at this time, we are unable to provide tracking numbers with your shipping confirmation. If this information was not received or you have other questions, you may contact us via e-mail at Contact Us or call.
Q. Do you have a printable order form online?
A. Yes. You may download a PDF version of our order form.
Q. Do you backorder out of stock merchandise?
A. We apologize for any inconvenience. We are currently unable to backorder merchandise.
Q. How will my order be shipped?
A. Standard delivery carrier is based on order shipping best method by one of the following carriers: UPS, US Postal Service, or Federal Express. Some restrictions may apply.
Q. Why didn't I receive an email confirmation of my order?
A. Each order submitted via our web site will be sent an order acknowledgement. You may not have received an e-mail confirmation for the following reasons:
- An email was not provided with the order, or american-bass-shop.com does not have your email address on file. You may go to the "Your Account" link online to update your personal information or to add an email address to your account.
- Email account is over quota. You may need to lower the number of emails on your email server. Contact your internet or e-mail provider for more information.
- Not accepting mail from support@american-bass-shop.com, verify that your firewall or spam filter will allow correspondence from support@american-bass-shop.com. Contact your internet or e-mail provider for more information.
- Email address provided may have been misspelled. You may go to "Your Account" link online to update your personal information or to update the email address on file.
- Email account or junk mail filter may have captured and/or deleted the email address. Add support@american-bass-shop.com as an address to always accept. Contact your internet or e-mail provider for more information.
Q. How do I change my billing or email address?
A. ou may update your personal information through the "Your Account " link on the american-bass-shop.com web site. If you have not registered, click here to do so. This will store your address and simplify future orders. Note: Registration is not required to browse american-bass-shop.com.
Q. Are some items restricted from shipping by certain carriers or to certain locations?
A. 1-2 Day air shipments must provide a street address as the carrier can not deliver to a P.O. Box. Please allow 10-14 business days on orders shipping standard to Alaska , Hawaii , and Puerto Rico.
Q. How do I unsubscribe from your Japan special news?
A. If you would no longer like to receive e-mail newsletters from american-bass-shop.com, please click here then simply fill out the form by providing your name and e-mail address then check "NO, I DO NOT wish to receive AMERICAN BASS SHOP's newsletter". Make sure to click the 'Submit' button or your request will not be processed.
Q. Can I place an order via e-mail?
A. We are sorry; we cannot accept orders sent via e-mail. Our website's online ordering system is designed to protect the security of your personal information. However, ordinary e-mail is not secure in the same way. For your protection, do not include your credit card number in an e-mail.
Q. What is your Privacy Policy?
A. You may read our Privacy Policy.
Q. Do you share my name, address and/or email address with other companies?
A. No. You may read our Privacy Policy.
Q. How do I subscribe to your online newsletter?
A. If you wish to subscribe to our online newsletter please click here.
Q. What is a Credit Card Nickname?
A. A credit card nickname is a name you can assign to your credit card to help distinguish or differentiate it from your other credit cards; e.g. "My Visa."
Q. Many of your photographs show lures without hooks, do they come with hooks?
A. All hardbaits, except for the Heddon Magnum Downrigger, come rigged with hooks. The hook size will be listed on the individual bait page in the information box under the color name.

For freshwater products:

We appreciate you thinking of PRADCO-Fishing first, but at this time we are not accepting any submissions of new products.

Related Links:

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Q. Что делать если забыл пароль?
A. Если Вы забыли пароль,то заригистрируйтесь снова.
Q. Доставляете ли вы товар в Россию?
A. Да.Товар будет доставлен почтой EMS.
Q. Какова стоимость доставки?
A. Стоимость доставки рассчитывается автоматически и варьируется в зависимости от веса посылки и места назначения.Мы не берем на себя ответственность за дополнительные зборы, предусмотренные в Вашей стране.
Q. Какие виды оплаты вы принимаете?
A. Мы принимаем к оплате кредитные карты Visa, MasterCard, а также возможна оплата через систему Paypal.
Q. Могу ли я использовать дебетовую карту как кредитную карту?
A. Да, если на Вашей дебетовой карте есть символ Visa или MasterCard.
Q. Что за CVV2 код требуется указать?
A. На обратной стороне кредитной карты есть 3-хзначный цифровой код безопасности в самом конце 16-тизначного номера.Эти 3 самые последние цифры Вам нужно будет указать для удостоверения личности владельца карты.
Q. Как я могу проверить состояние моего заказа?
A. После того, как Вы произвели покупку на сайте, Вам будет выслано уведомление с кодом для отслеживания перемещений Вашей посылки.
Если Вы не получили подобного уведомления, напишите нам на support@american-bass-shop.com
Q. Каковы сроки доставки?
A. Потребуется до 14 дней.
Q. Могу ли я изменить или отменить мой заказ?
A. К сожалению уже сделанный заказ не подлежит изменению или отмене.
Q. Могу ли я вернуть полученный товар?
A. Мы обязательно проверяем качество товара перед отправкой. Если товар был поврежден в процессе пересылки, возможна замена на аналогичную продукцию.В этом случае от Вас потребуется написать на support@american-bass-shop.com указав номер заказа и представив доказательства повреждения товара. Расходы по пересылке возвращаемого товара оплачивает клиент.
М ы приносим свои извинения за причиняемые неудобства, но деньги за купленный товар возврату не подлежат.

Ссылки по теме:


  • 15,000以上のお買い上げで送料無料!!
  • international shipping



MY CART現在のカゴの中


商品金額:0 円



  • クレジットカード
  • 代金引換便
  • コンビニエンスストア決済


  • 配送会社
  • 15,000円以上お買い上げで国内送料無料!
  • we ship world wide via EMS


  • Booyah ブーヤー スピナーベイト早見表
  • war eagle ワーイーグル早見表
  • smithwick ログシリーズ早見表
  • ヒロ内藤公式Youtubeチャンネル


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  • ABS 公式チャンネル配信中!!!
  • プラドコTV配信中!!!
  • バスオブジャパン
  • NY de Bass Fishing






Copyright © American Bass Shop Inc. All Rights Reserved.
サイト内の文章、画像などの著作物はAmerican Bass Shop 株式会社に属します。複製、無断転載を禁止します。


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